Sunday, December 31

Saying “bye” to a friend is never easy!

Saying “bye” to a friend is never easy!

 Saying “bye” to a friend is never easy!

I won’t say goodbye my friend, for you and I will meet again.

freedom fly
leaving Alone

Whether someone is leaving just for now or forever, finding the perfect words to say goodbye in a heartfelt way is always a challenge.

Monday, September 5

Alberta Mountain

Alberta Mountain

 The Beauty Of Alberta Mountain

The mountains are the best place to live to be relaxed, see the most beauty, and never get bored.

Alberta Mountain
Alberta Mountain

An Exciting Adventure

Mountain climbing is one of the most adventurous sports which give an adrenaline rush like never before. People find solace and pleasure in this activity. Furthermore, it is also a great activity to rejuvenate oneself. Mountain climbing is an expedition that brings you closer to nature and helps you connect with it closely.

When the sun slowly peeps over the range of mountains, birds shake the morning dew off their feathers and give a cheerful song that would lift even the most sorrowful of spirits. A light fog wraps around the mountain range, reaching to touch every bit of life thriving there. The slight chill in the air is enough to give a gentle shiver, but not enough for the need of a jacket. A breeze tickles the trees, making their leaves shake and sway with laughter. Sunlight seeps in past the thick canopy of branches with hopes of being able to reach the damp mountain earth.

There is a relaxing feel of the mountains making it perfect for letting the stress disappear and peace to find its way to one’s soul. There are many people who love the mountains and live in them, but there is so much space that they hardly ever see each other. Less people means that there is less judgement by them, which means there is more freedom to be the person wanted to be without worry about that pesky inner critic.

A Challenging Experience

People have also found mountains to be there true calling. However, they are quite challenging as well. You must have noticed that people aim for the highest peaks to conquer solely for victory and experience. Furthermore, we can see that nearly all the mountains of the world have been conquered by man.

One of the most dangerous things to do is definitely mountain climbing. One needs to have a lot of courage and endurance powers to be able to accomplish this challenging task.

It is truly a life-risking experience as one faces a lot of challenges while doing it. Firstly, you face breathing troubles as the air becomes rarefied the higher you go. After that, there is always the risk of falling or slipping off. Plus, the cold weather just makes it worse.

Author Note

In addition to that, people also have to scale steep rock faces. There is also the risk of slipping on wet rocks. Subsequently, the extra clothing and equipment they have to carry on their backs just make their climb more challenging and risky.
Canyon Mountain River

Canyon Mountain River

 Canyon Mountain River

The Grand Canyon is the ultimate canyon, but it's only one of many canyons that are worthy of seeing and experiencing during your Arizona vacation.


Friday, July 1

Beauty of Dandelion

Beauty of Dandelion

 Beauty of Dandelion

If you pinch the flower off of the stem and set it in a bowl of water, it looks like a little lantern floating serenely in a little pond. The reflection of the seeds in the water looks amazing.

Beauty of Dandelion
Beauty of Dandelion

Usages :

Dandelion flower has antioxidant properties. Dandelion may also help improve the immune system. Herbalists use dandelion root to detoxify the liver and gallbladder, and dandelion leaves to help kidney function.

many people believe that dandelion seeds will carry your thoughts and dreams to loved ones when you blow them into the air

Monday, June 27

Eye-catching Landscape Beauty

Eye-catching Landscape Beauty

 Amazing Beautification of Mountain

True Natural Photography

True Natural Photography
True Natural Photography

Climbers and tourists visit them for the scenery.
Farmers graze their animals on them.
Water authorities make reservoirs and pump the water to towns and cities.
Forestry companies grow coniferous forests and harvest wood on them.

Beauty of The Mountain and Lake

Beauty of The Mountain and Lake

 Beauty of The Mountain and Lake

Do You Imagine This Beautiful Natural Mountain.

Beauty of The Mountain and Lake